Interaction design meets data visualization
Hi, I'm a freelance interaction designer and data visualization designer from Berlin. I create data-driven products that communicate ideas and help to make decisions.
Lets get in contactData Vis Lab & Fictional Systems
Datavis Projects
- Dataviz / Interaction Design
Wahl 2Q17
Wahl 2Q17 uses Google Trends data to visualize the Google Search interest of the top candidates in the German general election 2017.
- Dataviz / Interaction Design
Peak Spotting
Peak Spotting provides federal train yield and capacity managers with rich visual tools to identify potential bottlenecks.
Information is Beautiful Awards - Bronze
- Dataviz / Interaction Design
Social Inclusion Monitor
Data visualization about the current state of social justice and regarding reforms in the EU for the Bertelsmann Stiftung
- Dataviz / Critical Design
Interaction design bachelor thesis about a fictional surveillance interface to inform about mass surveillance.
The Best Bachelor Thesis of FH Potsdam
- Physical Dataviz
SMS to Paper Airplanes
Visualizing my long distance relationship through computer generated paper airplanes.
German Design Award 2016 (Finalist Newcomer)